Where to Find Yankee Placer Gold

Price: $22.95

Every page holds accurate hand drawn MAPS with directions to the potential gold placer site to MAINE - VERMONT - CONNECTICUT - NEW HAMPSHIRE - MASSACHUSETTS. Vivid information, accurate geological description of topography where gold placer has been caught in riffles, basins and crevices of hundreds of brooks, creeks and water-runs. Gold in VERMONT is purer than gold found elsewhere in the US of A and offers hospitable environment for the gold searcher. MAINE is the jewel of the New England Yankee States for gold placer as the nearest neighbor to the great glacial period droppings of its accumulative gold coming out of Quebec, Canada. NEW HAMPSHIRE - CONNECTICUT - MASSACHUSETTS have been influenced by the glacial over-ride with its precretaceous massive gold placer placement. "Delos Toole's Where To Find YANKEE Placer Gold" contributes to the history of the New England States and will forever be the informative source of professional advice and geological journalism. A true book for the recreational gold searcher and the professional gold prospector.