Gold Buddy Stallion Drywasher
The Largest capacity drywasher manufactured in the USA. This drywasher has everything. Recover gold in the desert, dry rIver beds or any gold bearing area. GOL\D BUDDY drywashers recover gold using three processes at the same time. Electrostatic concentration occurs because the high-velocity air flowing thorugh the unit creates an electrical charge which attracts and holds gold. The same airflow holds the material in suspension allowing the heavier materials to sink under the riffles where it is caught. The Uni-bearing oscillating vibrator shakes the material at the same time further helping the values to sink. The hopper and recovery box are made of aircraft grade aluminum, and the hopper has an adjustable flow gate to meter the material evenly. The recovery box has a removable riffle for easy cleanup. 5 year limited warranty. GOLD BUDDY Drywashers are warranted for 5 years for defects in workmanship from the date of purchase. This warranty is to the original owner and includes everything except bearings, and the cloth in the recovery box.